As part of the work of the Whole System Approach Implementation Group a focus on developing diversion for young people is a priority area moving forward. It is recognised that this is not only important when working with children and young people but also for those 18 years and up where Criminal Justice Diversion from Prosecution will . This invitation is therefore open to practitioners in both youth justice and adult justice settings.
In order to support development of Diversion from Prosecution as a whole a Diversion Practitioners’ Forum has been created to provide an opportunity for networking, learning what is working, common issues and seeking solutions, sharing good practice.
CYCJ are hosting the initial practitioners’ forum for all parties who are involved in diversion from prosecution schemes. However we recognise that geographical issues may prevent people from being able to attend and if anyone would wish to host a Forum then please advise and this can be arranged.
The forums will be held on level 2 of the Lord Hope building, 141 St James’ Road Glasgow on the following dates:
2nd March
4th May
6th July
Invitation is open to all agencies and services involved in implementation and delivery of Diversion and should you wish to discuss further please contact Ross Gibson or Donna McEwan.