A paper summarising the key messages emerging from the Secure Care National Project has been published by the Centre for Youth & Criminal Justice (CYCJ).
CYCJ received government funding to host the ‘national strategic and transitions advisory function’, known as the Secure Care National Project, from August 2015 to March 2017.
This project was commissioned to undertake an independent, analytical and practice focused review of secure care provision. It has worked intensively with sector leads, partners and young people with secure care experience and across Scotland’s five secure care centres, exploring stakeholders’ experiences, views and perceptions of secure care.
‘Secure Care in Scotland: Looking Ahead’ makes recommendations including:
- A Secure National Board which will give a voice to those who matter most – care experienced young people – and involve them in driving forward a long term programme of transformation;
- Strategic vision, direction and leadership from the Scottish Government, local authorities and their representative bodies and all those with responsibilities towards young people in secure care;
- A National Standards Framework which includes a care pathway for young people on the edges of, and in, secure care
As a result of these recommendations, the Scottish Government have stated a commitment to establishing a Strategic National Board for secure care provision in Scotland.
Download ‘Secure Care in Scotland: Looking Ahead’.