CYCJ welcomes new talent to its Associate scheme

Leading UK experts in forensic psychology, hate crime and restorative justice and children’s rights have joined the Centre for Youth & Criminal Justice (CYCJ) Associates scheme to broaden and transform Scotland’s youth justice knowledge base.

The CYCJ Associates scheme was created to attract individuals who are involved in the field of youth justice in a research, practice, policy or lived experience.

As ‘champions’ of CYCJ, Associates contribute to projects, publications, research activity and digital communications, enhancing the work of the University of Strathclyde based centre.

Dr Anthony Charles is Co-ordinator of the Innovative Youth Justice Team at Swansea University and Criminology Lead for the Observatory on the Human Rights of Children. He is engaged in work to better understand prevention and diversion in youth justice, the impact of Welsh devolution on approaches to support children who come into conflict with the law and the ways that implementation of the UNCRC (especially in education) can create positive outcomes for children.

Dr Clare Allely is a Reader in Forensic Psychology at the University of Salford in Manchester, and an Honorary Research Fellow in the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences affiliated to the Institute of Health and Wellbeing at the University of Glasgow. Her primary research projects and interests include the pathway to intended violence in mass shooters; serial homicide; investigating how autism symptomology can contribute to different types of offending behaviour and autism in the criminal justice system.

Rania Hamad is a Senior Practitioner for Hate Crime and Restorative Justice for the City of Edinburgh Council’s Criminal Justice Social Work service. She is responsible for service developments in relation to working with people who have been convicted of hate offences, and developing a Restorative Justice service for hate crime in partnership with Police Scotland. Rania is a member of Community Justice Scotland’s Academic Advisory Group, and is doing a part-time PhD in Social Work at the University of Edinburgh, with a focus on hate crime and reducing re-offending and harm in this area.

Remaining as Associates for another year are Tim Bateman, Reader in Youth Justice at the University of Bedfordshire and Deputy Director of the National Board of Youth Justice; Stuart Allardyce, Director of Stop it Now! Scotland; and Claire Sands, consultant researcher on the Howard League’s programme to end the criminalisation of children in residential care.

Fiona Dyer, Interim Director of CYCJ, says:

“Once again, it is a pleasure to welcome our new Associates to CYCJ. This scheme has proved to be a mutually beneficial relationship, through expanding influence and widening expertise, developing and maintaining strong partnerships and improving knowledge of both the Scottish and UK youth and criminal justice systems. Our Associates have held seminars, presented at our conferences, produced blogs and collaborated on research. We are grateful for their work and look forward to seeing what the next year brings!”

If you are interested in joining the scheme or want to find out more, please get in touch via

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Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622

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