The Centre for Youth & Criminal Justice is starting the process of developing its workplan for 2017/2018. That’s where you come in!
We would like you, our valued stakeholders, to be part of this process so that we can ensure that our strategic direction and priorities also fit with your needs and priorities.
Over the next three months we will be issuing one question that we would like you to answer, to help us do this. Each question will only take a minute or so of your time.
This month we want to know: How can we help? What work can we do that would benefit your practice, your organisation or young people in the next financial year? Are you struggling with a practice issue? Would you like to find out about the latest research and evidence about a particular topic? Have you identified a training need in your organisation that we might be able to assist with? Do you have an idea for an event that you would like us to deliver? Are there examples of good practice in your organisation that you would like to share with us and with other practitioners? Is there something else you would like us to be doing?
While we can’t promise that we can deliver everything that you ask, we can promise that we will ensure that every suggestion is given consideration and is put forward into a range of other consultation activities that we have planned over the summer to help us prioritise. Thank you in advance.