Learning from Wales: The implications of COVID on young people in conflict with the law

On September 3, CYCJ Associate Dr Anthony Charles (Criminology Lead for the Observatory on the Human Rights of Children in Wales and Co-ordinator of the Innovative Youth Justice Team at Swansea University gave a fascinating overview of how Wales is responding to the impact of COVID-19 on children and young people in conflict with the law (or at risk of being so), for CYCJ’s first webinar.

As well as highlighting some unexpected benefits such as greater engagement and levels contact during the pandemic, and emerging COVID-related challenges, Dr Charles also discussed Scotland and Wales’ shared commitment to children’s rights in youth justice and what both nations can learn from each other. He concluded by asking if the pandemic has led to the emergence of more meaningful forms of youth justice, and if this is an opportunity to re-think the way we do things. Follow Dr Charles on Twitter @DrAntCharles.


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Background reading 

‘Spend time with me’: Children and young people’s experiences of COVID-19 (CYCJ, June 2020)

Children’s rights, inclusion and youth justice in Wales


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141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622


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