Long-term Prisoner Release Process: Consultation Response

CYCJ’s response to the proposed changes to the long-term prisoner release process. Long-term prisoners are those sentenced to four years or more in prison. 

The proposal is to bring forward the point at which some long-term prisoners are released. This would mean that they spend less time in custody and more time in the community before the end of their sentence. In the community, they would be subject to licence conditions, supervision and recall. 

This proposal forms part of a range of measures designed to respond to the rising prison population, which has reached critical levels. It is also intended to better support the reintegration of long-term prisoners by providing those leaving prison with a more managed return to their communities, with access to the support and rehabilitation they need for a longer period of time. 

Read our response below.

Download Long-term Prisoner Release Process

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141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

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