Reimagining Secure Care: A Vision for the Future

Welcome to the Reimagining Secure Care project page, where you can explore a series of pivotal reports shaping the future of secure care in Scotland.

These three reports, commissioned by the Scottish Government and developed by the Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice (CYCJ), outline a transformative new option for the future of secure care in Scotland. Drawing on extensive collaboration with stakeholders, practitioners, and young people with lived experience, the reports provide a comprehensive roadmap for rethinking secure care, placing the rights and well-being of children at the heart of Scotland’s approach.

The Reimagining Secure Care: A Vision for the Reimagined/Future World report highlights the need for significant system changes to ensure Scotland’s children are treated first and foremost as children, with a trauma-informed and rights-respecting approach. Developed using insights from young people, their families, and professionals, the report advocates for an integrated model of care centred on the needs of children and families.

This vision is grounded in the belief that children should remain within their families wherever possible. When that is not feasible, they should be supported within their communities, with services working together to provide flexible and dynamic care that is tailored to the individual needs of each child. The report calls for a move away from the current secure care model towards more community-focused, therapeutic environments.

A Rights-Respecting Approach: At the heart of this vision is a commitment to uphold The Promise and Scotland’s new legislative framework under the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024, which recognises all under-18s as children.

CYCJ Director Fiona Dyer underscored the importance of this report in Scotland’s journey towards youth justice reform:

We are delighted to be launching our new report on Reimagining Secure Care at a pivotal time for youth justice in Scotland.

CYCJ very much welcomed last month’s transferral of all under-18s from Young Offenders Institutions to the four secure care providers where they receive more child-centred, trauma-informed support. This report presents the next step in this journey to our nationally agreed aspiration of only ever depriving a child of their liberty truly as a last resort.

We know that a child’s environment and experiences are a huge shaper on their behaviour. The evidence shows us that a child has the best chances of stopping further harm from occurring if they are supported to remain with their family, in their community, to overcome the trauma they have faced and to tackle the root causes of why they have come into contact with the law in the first place.

In July this year, the UNCRC Act came into effect in Scotland and we believe that by following the recommendations of this report, Scotland will move even closer to putting the best interests of all children at the heart of our care and justice systems.”

This vision is not only about securing better outcomes for children but also about creating a fairer, safer society for everyone.

Fiona Duncan, Independent Strategic Advisor to The Promise, said:

I’d like to thank every single person who was involved in the intensive work of Reimagining Secure Care.”

“The Final Report: A Vision for the Reimagined / Future World makes clear that by placing the needs of children and their families first, and by offering individualised support, Scotland will create a more caring and safe society, whilst giving hope to those who need it.”

“Now there must be a commitment to deliver this vision with the resources required to do so by 2030 – so Scotland’s children and families do not have to imagine a better future – they have it.”

Fraser McKinlay, Chief Executive of The Promise Scotland, echoed this sentiment:

“This report from the Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice provides a clear vision of how secure care can take a children-first, rights-based approach, rather than making children fit into the needs of the system.”

“The promise is clear that there must be alternatives to the current secure care model, including more therapeutic, trauma-informed and community-based supports. I’m pleased to see how the proposed community hubs support this approach.”

“The proposed Flex Secure model can also provide the supportive, holistic, rights-based environments needed for those children and young people that do experience secure care.”

The report’s recommendations mark a crucial moment for Scotland’s youth justice system. With the recent transfer of all under-18s from Young Offender Institutions (YOIs) to secure care settings, and the Scottish Government’s commitment to ending the imprisonment of children, we are on the path towards a more compassionate and effective system of care and justice.

We invite you to read the full Reimagining Secure Care: A Vision for the Reimagined/Future World report and explore how Scotland can continue to prioritise the rights and well-being of its children.

Click here for the Reimagining Secure Care: A Vision for the Reimagined/Future World Report
Click here for the Reimagining Secure Care Literature Review
Click here for the Children and Young People Participation Report

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Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622

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