‘Sentencing young people: where next?’ took place on April 27, co-hosted by CYCJ and the Scottish Sentencing Council. It was a follow up to January’s highly successful webinar on Scotland’s guidelines for sentencing young people, which stimulated a great deal of discussion.
Chaired by Krista Johnston, the Scottish Sentencing Council’s solicitor member, attendees at this webinar were the first to watch a series of short videos developed by the Council on the guideline’s key themes: maturity, rehabilitation, and the need for an individualised approach to the sentencing of young people.
This was followed by panel discussion with the three expert speakers who gave presentations in January (Dr Suzanne O’Rourke, Senior Lecturer in Forensic Clinical Psychology at the University of Edinburgh; retired sheriff David Mackie; and Kirsty Giles of the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit), followed by a Q&A involving the panel and members of the Council’s Sentencing Young People Committee.
Watch the event recording here.