This short animation shares findings from Scotland’s ‘Co-designing Socially Just Justice for Young Adults in Conflict with the Law’ project, a collaboration with academics at the University of Dundee, University of Strathclyde and the Glasgow School of Art, supporting young adults to co-design a socially just approach to justice.
The animation, which was produced by Glasgow based studio BoxDog Inc, was co-designed with the young adults, who also provided the voiceover.
This two-phased project, a collaboration with academics at the University of Dundee, University of Strathclyde and the Glasgow School of Art, builds on findings from a previous study supporting young adults to co-design a socially just approach to justice.
‘Socially Just Justice’ aims to translate findings into policy and practice change, and establish a multi-disciplinary research network to generate new insights into the role of community in offending and desistance, and their potential for shaping socially just communities.
This is the first study of its kind to use design-led methods to co-produce solutions to issues that justice-involved young adults identify as priorities for change.
The work builds on a former study, funded by the Scottish Universities Insight Institute, which used creative and design-led approaches with young people aged 18-25 to explore questions around what social justice means to young people, challenges faced by young adults in conflict with the law, and how we can work together to make a socially just community happen.
Findings were shared in a large-scale online event and exhibition in June 2021, involving academics, policymakers, practitioners and young adults, with further outputs currently in progress.
In March 2022, ‘Socially Just Justice’ was awarded a prestigious Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) Research Network Grant.