Walk & Talk – Fife Women’s Justice Team

At Walk & Talks, run by Fife Justice Social Work, people who are subject to CPO’s meet up to discuss the challenges they’re facing. In this piece, group members and staff share an insight into the walks, what they offer to those taking part, and why they’ve become such an important part of the team’s work.  […]

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Place of Safety for Children and Young People in Conflict with the Law: Event Report

Event Overview On November 16th, 2023 the Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice (CYCJ) and Social Work Scotland hosted the second national event in a series exploring alternatives to the use of Police Custody for children in conflict with the law. The event sought to explore how the Place of Safety (PoS) model is […]

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Care experienced children and justice: The challenges of trying to disentangle systemic inequality

One of the many challenges care experienced children and young people face is that they are disproportionately more likely to come into contact with the justice system(s). Reflecting on both the ‘Sentencing of Care Experienced Young People‘ webinar and recent Court Report Refresher training CYCJ Practice Development Advisor Ross Gibson considers the scale of the […]

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Nuggets of Wisdom – Children and Young People’s Perspectives on Restorative Justice

With its roots traced back to indigenous populations from all across the globe, restorative justice, or RJ, is one of the most organic and widely used methods of moving forward from acts of harm in a way that is appropriate for both parties involved.   While our partners, Community Justice Scotland, explore what restorative justice could […]

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My work placement with CYCJ: Thomas Dalli

Thomas Dalli joined CYCJ’s Office Support Team on a 10 week work placement, starting in September 2023. Thomas joined us via Project SEARCH, a transition-to-work programme which supports young adults with learning disabilities, or autism spectrum disorders to access opportunities in the workplace. During his time with us, Thomas has become an asset to the […]

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Reimagining The Promise Pt. 2

At the start of Care Experience Week 2023, CYCJ Director Fiona Dyer shares this insight into the work that we’re going to help shape a brighter, fairer future for care experienced children and young people in Scotland.  This time last year I wrote a blog highlighting how, following the publication of the Independent Care Review, […]

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Empowering families through the Secure Care Pathway and Standards and the Champions Group

I have really enjoyed being part of the Secure Care Champions Group, meeting new people and increasing my knowledge about the Standards, how they are being used by other agencies, and the difference they are making for children, young people, and families. Cyrenians’ ‘Keeping Families Together’ service supports children (12+) in secure accommodation and their […]

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Research: The Next Generation

CYCJ are co-developing a young researchers programme for children and young people, with children and young people. The first pilot was led by ‘The Research Racoons’ from Drumchapel High School who carried out an interesting piece of research on ‘Life in Space’. In addition to becoming brilliant young researchers and undertaking this ‘out of this […]

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How co-designing with young people can change your practice

Rosie Patterson, animator, explores the assumptions, challenges and benefits involved in co-production, reflecting on her work with IAP to design an educational resource tackling gender-based violence. When I first entered the Inclusion As Prevention project, I thought I would approach it as I would working with any client seeking animation support: conduct initial conversations; gather information; […]

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Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622


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