Information Sheet
Info Sheet 105: Effective practice in Diversion from Prosecution
This Information Sheet (written by Ross Gibson) considers effective practice in Diversion from Prosecution – looking at reasons to divert, and considering what effective practice
Info Sheet 103: Simultaneous Familial Imprisonment
The impact of a family member’s imprisonment on children and young people has been increasingly well-researched and understood in recent years. In almost all of
Info Sheet 101: Appropriate Adults in Scotland
Appropriate Adults provide communication support to adults who are considered vulnerable and become involved in the justice system. This can be as a victim, witness,
CYCJ e-bulletin, August 2015
This month we’ve been: discussing loss amongst young people; planning upcoming events; and reporting on Local Authority practice across Scotland.
Info Sheet 38: Managing Risk of Serious Harm in Young People
This information sheet, written by Stewart Simpson, aims to share key messages in relation to monitoring, supervising and managing young people who are considered to be of