In partnership between Supporting Offenders with Learning Disabilities (SOLD), CYCJ and the Scottish Transitions Forum, this conference took place on April 3, 2019 at the University of Strathclyde. It considered how preventative and early intervention can support young people with additional support needs who present with Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB).
The aim of this conference was to develop a better understanding of HSB in this context and explore the ways in which preventative and early intervention approaches should be adapted to meet the needs of young people with additional support needs. It built on the insights gained from the ‘Staying Safe’ consultation event, held in February 2019, into the experiences and needs of young people with additional support needs who present with HSB and their families. Read the event report here.
Conference resources
Download the conference programme
Download speaker presentation slides in full.
Download the event evaluation report.
Workshop slides
Working with Children and Young People with Learning Disabilities who have harmed sexually and their Parents/Carers and Support Network (Steven Barry, Keep Safe)
A mother’s story: what agencies need to know about internet porn’s effect on the brain of an adolescent with ASN (Mary Sharpe, CEO, The Reward Foundation)
‘Our rights and what works for us’ (Steve Robertson, Paul Roberts and Allan Speirs, SOLD User Group and People First (Scotland))
The Halt Service: our work with children and young people with additional support needs who display harmful sexual behaviour (Stewart Evers and Shona Robertson, Social Workers, The HALT service)
Community services for young people with a forensic label – A Provider’s Perspective (Frank Slokan, National Autism Advisor and Alex Paterson, Service Manager, Richmond Fellowship Community Forensic Team)
‘Sex and relationships education and support that keeps everyone safe’ (Michelle Steel, Geraldine McCormack & Margaret Wilson, People First Women’s Group)
Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) education (Dr Colin Morrison, Partner, TASC (Scotland)