
To help you keep informed and continue your professional development, we’ve provided free access to the latest youth and criminal justice information, including government consultations, newsletter and conference materials, and national standards and guidelines.

CYCJ e-bulletin, April 2017

Sharing Scottish success, addressing online behaviour and exploring the costs of youth justice.

Info Sheet 60: Working with children who have experienced domestic abuse

Children are often described as the ‘forgotten victims’ of domestic abuse, with significant correlation between domestic abuse and the mental, physical and sexual abuse of

The price of prejudice: when attitudes shape policy

As professionals, to what extent do our attitudes and social representations shape how we work with young offenders? Do our ‘hidden prejudices’ get in the

CYCJ Workplan 2017/18

This workplan specifies the projects and activities CYCJ will undertake in 2017/18, funded by the Scottish Government’s ‘CYCJ grant’.

IVY Workplan 2017/18

This workplan specifies the projects and activities to be undertaken in 2017/18 by the IVY (Interventions for Vulnerable Youth) Project, funded by the Scottish Government

CYCJ e-bulletin, March 2017

Celebrating progress, people and placements.

Workforce Consultation 2016: Engaging with the Workforce

This purpose of this paper is to present the main findings from the Delphi study, undertaken in 2016 with CYCJ’s workforce stakeholders, to inform the

CYCJ Strategy 2017-2019

This strategy sets out CYCJ’s vision, priorities, stakeholders and areas of activity for 2017-2019.

Managing the risk of serious harm presented by young people

Young people aged 12 to 17 years who have committed a serious sexual offence or are considered a serious risk of harm, can be managed


Contact Us

Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622

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