Accessible resources

Key Messages from Children and Young People about Restorative Justice

In this accesible paper, Restorative Justice Coordinator Yvette O’Donnell shares a summary of key findings from consultation work undertaken with different groups of children, to

Introducing Glasgow Youth Court Video

The Glasgow Youth Court is a judicially-led initiative, which is supported by Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (GCHSCP). It has been operational since

Understanding CCE In Scotland – Children and Young Person’s Resource

This interactive webpage was created on Canva by Holly Maclean based on research carried out in 2023 by Nesha Dixon for the Children and Young

Glasgow Youth Court: Young Person’s Report

CYCJ was commissioned by Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership to write a report on Glasgow Youth Court, gathering the views of those who

Creating a rights-respecting guide for children in conflict with the law

The Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice (CYCJ) has published a guide to Scotland’s Whole System Approach, aimed at supporting children to understand what their rights

Socially Just Justice for young adults

This short animation shares findings from Scotland’s ‘Co-designing Socially Just Justice for Young Adults in Conflict with the Law’ project, a collaboration with academics at

Know Your Rights When Entering Custody

This guidance for children in custody, jointly produced by CYCJ and the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland, details what human rights children are entitled to

Template for Reviews for Young People in Custody

Under the Whole System Approach, all young people under the age of 21 (up to 26 where local authorities have additional responsibilities) where the local

The child’s journey: A guide to the Scottish justice system

The child’s journey: A guide to the Scottish justice system is an interactive online resource that aims to simplify how the youth and criminal justice system

Contact Us

Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622

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