To make our report Use and impact of bail and remand with children in Scotland accessible to a younger audience, we have designed a child friendly version. This aims to give children and young people an understanding of the issues around how we do bail and remand in Scotland.
Our report is about how bail and remand are used with children. To find out what is going on we spoke to children who this has happened to, their parents and carers and to professional people who work in social work, the law and in the courts. We also had an online survey that we asked local councils to complete.
This is supported by Dan’s Story – a short animation to help children, young people and their families/supporters a better understand the issues, people involved and how it feels to be on bail and remand – and who can help. View it here.
You can access the report in full, or download the five sections separately:
With thanks and acknowledgment to Gary Morrison of Rock on Robot and Sarah Ahmad of Floating Designer.