Secure Care in Scotland, Looking Ahead – Sector Leads Outputs
This PowerPoint summarises the outputs from the Secure Care in Scotland, Looking Ahead event on 21 April 2016.
Secure in Scotland, Looking Ahead – Briefing Note for Sector Leads
This briefing note was prepared for the ‘Secure Care in Scotland, Looking Ahead’ event on 21 April 2016.
CYCJ e-bulletin, April 2016
This month we’ve been: discussing the future of secure care, investigating youth justice practice internationally, writing about looked after children and crime, and much more!
Info Sheet 45: Space To Think: Lessons and Impact of the IVY Project
This Information Sheet, written by CYCJ’s Linda Robb, summarises some of the learnings from the IVY (Interventions for Vulnerable Youth) Project and discusses the findings
Adjusting Your Lens: Thinking about extremist risk (IVY Conference 2015)
This presentation was delivered by Dr Leanne Gregory at the IVY Conference on 3 December 2015.
Researching Troubled Families
This presentation was delivered by Dr James Hoggett and Prof Liz Frost,The University of the West of England, at the ‘Breaking The Cycle: front page families’ conference
Jim Gamble QPM, INEQE Safe and Secure (National Youth Justice Conference 2015)
Jim Gamble QPM, Chief Executive Officer of INEQE Safe and Secure, delivers a presentation on online CSE and empowering and protecting children through education, at