CYCJ e-bulletin, July 2015
This month we’ve been: greeting new associates; sharing research findings; and delivering training across Scotland.
Working with young people who offend
This paper presents a review of the recent literature relating to effective practice with young people displaying harmful sexual behaviour (HSB), violence or risky substance
Info Sheet 38: Managing Risk of Serious Harm in Young People
This information sheet, written by Stewart Simpson, aims to share key messages in relation to monitoring, supervising and managing young people who are considered to be of
CYCJ e-bulletin, May 2015
Talking about Safer Lives, hitting the road (again!) and debating the role of young people & communities
The use of Safer Lives in Scotland with young people displaying sexually harmful behaviours
This report, written by the CYCJ’s Stewart Simpson (Practice Development Advisor) and Nina Vaswani (Research Fellow) considers the research literature as well as the extent
Info Sheet 37: New Technologies, New Victims: Internet Offending
Stewart Simpson discusses how new technologies and the internet are presenting new challenges in terms of offending behavior.
Child Trafficking Conference – Kirsty Thomson, Head of Women’s and Young Person’s Department, Legal Services Agency
Kirsty Thomson on ‘Child Victims of Trafficking: The Legal Framework’ at the ‘Child Trafficking: A Scottish Perspective’ on October 29.
Child Trafficking Conference – DS Robin Veitch, National Human Trafficking Unit
DS Robin Veitch on ‘Human Trafficking: A Police Response’ at the ‘Child Trafficking: A Scottish Perspective’ conference on October 29.