Child Trafficking Conference – Philip Ishola, CEO Counter Human Trafficking Bureau
Philip Ishola discusses ‘Human Trafficking: Global – National – Local’ at the ‘Child Trafficking: A Scottish Perspective’ conference on October 29, 2014.
A problem with girls? The influence of gender stereotypes and the iniquities of moral regulation
Michele Burman, Professor of Criminology and Deputy Head, School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Glasgow and founding co-director of the Scottish Centre
Young People and MAPPA in Scotland
‘Young People and MAPPA in Scotland’ was written by Paul Rigby, Bill Whyte and Marguerite Schinkel. All three were previously involved with the Centre for
Restorative Justice in Scotland: at the crossroads?
Delivered by Jenny Johnstone (University of Newcastle/Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research); David Orr (CYCJ); and Mary Munro (University of Strathclyde) at the European