COVID-19: Supporting young people in conflict with the law

To help those who are working/living with children and young people who are in conflict with the law during the pandemic, we have listed key organisations that can help, and the measures and resources they are putting in place to best support people.

We have also supplied a list of places offering ideas and mental health support to help children and young people, families, school staff and other professionals at this time.

If you think an organisation should be included, please let us know by emailing We will update this on a regular basis, in line with changes to the situation and information supplied.

Our practice team are also available and keen to help in any way they can – find out more and get in touch.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team if you have any queries or concerns.

Aberlour Coronavirus Urgent Assistance Fund

Autism Network Scotland

Barnado’s Scotland: See, Hear, Respond – rapid support for children and young people affected by the Coronavirus crisis

Better Care Network

Breathing Space

Care Inspectorate

CCPS: COVID-19 financial reconciliation – best practice


Children 1st – Parentline

Children and Young People’s Commissioner for Scotland

Children’s Hearing System

Clan Childlaw

Community Justice Scotland

COSLA: COVID-19 Information for Councils

Criminal Justice Voluntary Sector Forum

Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS)


Equality and Human Rights Commission

Families Outside



Justice Committee: Re-opening Scotland’s courts and tribunals system

NHS Scotland

One Parent Families Scotland


Parent Club Scotland


Police Scotland

Scottish Children Reporter’s Administration (SCRA)

Scottish Government

Scottish Government: Safe and ethical social work practice

Scottish Government: Residential childcare

Scottish Prison Service

Scottish Care Leavers Covenant Alliance

Scottish Child Law Centre are offering free legal advice on Children’s Rights and Scots Child Law.  Please contact them on 0131 667 6333 Monday to Friday from 09:30 to 16:00. Children and young people can call free on a landline 0800 328 8970 and from a mobile 0300 3301421.

Scottish Court and Tribunal Services: Supporting justice through the pandemic and beyond

Scottish Transitions Forum

Scottish Women’s Aid

Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum (Staf)

Shelter Scotland

Skills Development Scotland

Social Work Scotland


Stop it Now! Scotland: Child sexual abuse prevention resources

Talking Mats

Task Force for Justice – Justice in a Pandemic

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Together Scotland


UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: COVID-19 Statement

Venture Trust

Who Cares? Scotland

Young Minds

Young Scot


Accessing mental health support and ideas

Anna Freud Centre


Education Scotland: What Scotland Learned – 100 stories of lockdown

Future Learn (and the University of Reading) – Helping Young People Manage Low Mood and Depression

Maudsley Charity – Families Under Pressure

NES Wellbeing Planning Tool

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde – Supporting Children and Young People During COVID-19

NHS Lanarkshire – Healthy Minds During COVID



Scottish Child Law Centre

See Me – Pass the Badge

Stirling Educational Psychology Service

Teen Mental Health: A Guide for Parents

Young Scot

Education and learning support

Education Scotland

Restore Our Schools

Dealing with bereavement and loss

The following information is for parents, carers and practitioners trying to help children and young people deal with feelings of grief, bereavement and loss during this time.

Resources from CYCJ

Info Sheets

Talking about death with children and young people

Understanding ambiguous loss in young people involved in offending

The ripples of death: Exploring the bereavement experiences and mental health of young men in custody


Ambiguous Loss (article in Scottish Journal of Residential Childcare)

Growing up is hard to do (article in Scottish Justice Matters, 2014)

Other resources for families and carers

Advice on the Coronavirus: Winston’s Wish

Coping practically and emotionally: Family Lives

COVID-19 – resources for parents and carers: RCPCH

Staying connected when someone is seriously ill: Childhood Bereavement Network

Supporting bereaved children: Child Bereavement UK

Support with death, dying and bereavement during COVID-19: Scottish Social Services Council

When People Die: Stories from Young People

Resources for staff (healthcare and social care)

Bereavement: Support Around Death

Caring for people who are dying those close to them amidst COVID-19 visiting restrictions: NHS Education for Scotland

Psychosocial mental health and wellbeing support for staff: TURAS

Contact Us

Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622

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