What is Restorative Justice?
“Restorative Justice (RJ) is value-led and focuses on the following questions: what has happened and what is it that matters to each of you that needs to be restored? Restorative justice focuses primarily on the specific act of harm that has brought two parties together and the subjective experience, understanding and wishes of each person affected by the harm. In that sense the process is designed to undo an injustice.” (Tim Chapman, 2021)
How CYCJ is supporting Restorative Justice
CYCJ is working with Community Justice Scotland, supported by a diverse stakeholder group, to deliver the Scottish Government’s Restorative Justice Action Plan 2019-2023. CYCJ’s Restorative Justice Coordinators Pamela Morrison and Lauren Emmerson are currently leading on this, ensuring the rights and needs of children and young people are considered and met throughout this process.
Click here for more updates from the Restorative Justice Stakeholder Group.
Case Studies
Series of Practitioner Case Studies across Scotland
Enabling participation in restorative justice processes and conversations
Restorative Justice Arts: Space2face Shetland
Info Sheets and reports
Exploring awareness of Restorative Justice amongst school children
Restorative Justice in a Scottish Context – Awareness Survey report
CYCJ Info Sheet 64: Restorative Justice: What Scotland can learn from Northern Ireland?
CYCJ Info Sheet 89: Restorative Circles
CYCJ Info sheet 99: Restorative processes and Children’s Rights
CYCJ Info sheet 106: How can children access Restorative Justice?
CYCJ Info sheet 109: Creating Restorative Communities
Know Your Rights in an RJ Process: A guide for Children and Young People
Restorative Practice in the Good Shepherd Centre
Language is the key to understanding
Restorative Justice – time for action
Nuggets of Wisdom: Children and Young People’s Perspectives on RJ
RJ Key Messages from Children and Young People
Useful Links
Restorative Justice Training Needs Analysis for Scotland (Centre for Law, Crime & Justice, The Law School, University of Strathclyde, commissioned by Scottish Government)
Restorative Justice Action Plan Annual Report 2020-2021