Participation and Engagement

CYCJ advocates for greater levels of participation in all aspects of decision making. However, we have yet to systematically include the voice of those with recent lived experience.

We have primarily focussed on support to practitioners and policy makers. Yet becoming the Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice in August 2020 required a strategic shift in how we seek out, listen to, and act on the views of those with lived experience of the justice systems.

In 2021 we published our first Participation and Engagement Strategy, co-produced with the young people of Youth Justice Voices and STARR, Scotland’s only curated space for secure care experienced children, young people and adults.

‘Just The Right Space’ is an accessible version of our website, that’s aimed at helping people of all ages and experiences to understand, navigate and participate in the justice system. If you would something to be added to this site, please email

Who are we?

Julia Swann

Iain Corbett

Erin Hastings

Please contact us if you know of any children and young people who may want to get involved in the work we do – or if you have ideas to share or would like to find out more.

Get involved

There are more opportunities than ever before to have your say on how we do justice. These include Youth Justice Voices, our joint participation project with Staf that aims to amplify the voices of young people aged 16-25 who are justice/care experienced, and STARR, Scotland’s only curated space for secure care experienced people of all ages.

Join the Participation Practitioners’ Forum

This forum is a free monthly event for participation workers supporting young people with care and justice experience to connect with, and learn from, each other: sharing successes, reflecting on challenges, and championing examples of best practice in an informal setting. Find out more and register.

Relevant links

Here we’ve shared resources, research and other participation based work that children, young people and adults with lived experience have contributed to. This includes resources aimed at children and young people, to help give them an understanding of the justice system and issues we are challenging.

The Participation Issue: This special issue of the CYCJ e-bulletin celebrates all things participation at CYCJ – and beyond.

Representing care experienced children & young people in police custody: A good practice guide

Use and impact of bail and remand with children in Scotland: Child friendly version

Developing participative practice (Info Sheet for practitioners)

Age of Criminal Responsibility: Children and Young People’s views

Rights Respecting? Scotland’s approach to children in conflict with the law (child friendly version)

Raising the Participation game at St Mary’s Kenmure

Cover image designed by Meadow Murphy

Contact Us

Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622

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